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Navigating the annual tax filing process in Canada can seem daunting, but it’s an essential step for managing your finances. Understanding the key deadlines and requirements will help ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.

1. Timing and resources

Individuals are required to file their taxes annually during the spring season. For the majority of taxpayers, the deadline for submitting the tax return to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is April 30.


There are multiple methods available for completing tax returns, which include free options as well as those incurring various costs. These methods encompass the utilization of certified tax software for electronic filing, authorizing a representative to file on one’s behalf, attending a community volunteer tax clinic, employing a tax preparer, or submitting a paper tax return.


Additional information regarding each of these options can be found here. 

If you wish to locate a community volunteer tax clinic, kindly follow the instructions provided at this link.

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2. Refundable tax credit

Certain expenses qualify for a refundable tax credit that may be applied for or claimed during the tax filing process. Please review the options below to identify the items for which you are eligible in order to maximize your annual tax return.

a. Canada Workers Benefit

It is a refundable tax credit to help individuals and families who are working and earning a low income. The CWB has two parts: a basic amount and a disability supplement. You can claim the CWB when you file your income tax return. More information is available here. ​


b. Canada caregiver credit

Do you support a spouse or common-law partner, or a dependent with a physical or mental impairment? The Canada caregiver credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit that may be available to you. You can claim the CCC when you file your income tax return. More information is available here.


c. Canada training credit

The Canada training credit (CTC) is a refundable tax credit available to help Canadians with the cost of eligible training fees. You can claim the CTC for tuition and other fees paid for courses that you took in the year.


d. Home accessibility expenses

You can claim an amount for eligible expenses for qualifying renovations to an eligible dwelling if you are a qualifying or eligible individual. Check out for more information here.

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